《诗殿堂》第3期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 3 |
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(汉英双语诵读: 艾雪 / Chinese and
English Recitation: Ai Xue) 12. 江山如此多娇 文/郭英杰 时间躺在阳光的背上 让鸟儿 自由自在地飞翔 幸福沿着水流的方向 荡漾成 漫山遍野的金黄 泥土酝酿自然的奇迹 把白云和绿树 长成壮美的诗篇 飞瀑穿越千年的古道 用四季的浪漫 塑造不朽的江山 12. So Many
Beautiful Rivers and Mountains By Guo
Yingjie Time lies on
the back of the sunshine, Allowing the
birds To fly freely
and far Happiness
follows the way of the currents, Rippling into
The golden
yellow all over the mountains Soil brews
the miracle of nature, Making happy
clouds and gentle trees Grow into a
magnificent poem The waterfall
crosses the ancient road of thousands of years With the
Romance of Four Seasons, Thus shaping
Immortal Rivers and Mountains Translated by
Guo Yingjie /郭英杰译 |