《诗殿堂》第3期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 3 |
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(汉英双语诵读: 漫黎/ Chinese and
English Recitation: Manli) 5. 偷窥彼此的湛蓝 文/马嘉泽 每一株草,都是形影相吊的嫩绿 爱,在成群的孤独里开出花朵 从前的苦难,是草身被踏过的印记,等待爱 绽放荆棘之花 绝对的爱是绝对的囚徒 一双脚,经过多少次摧折 才能在人生的道路独舞 两个孤独的星体牵手起跳芭蕾舞 缠绕、碰撞、亦步亦趋的演绎 爱的舞步 直至掌心有了对方温热 死亡也可以共同牵绊 爱与爱共享一片大海 你看见天空的颜色,为自己的镜框装裱一幅油画 云朵在蔚蓝的怀抱中融化成奶汁的海域 我看见海里的星辰,随巨浪波折 从一片浪花飞向另一朵浪花 也或许是毫无目的,在浪舟上划行 净享星辰,在波浪的起伏中泛泛光 其实和你一样的 自由、孤独 偷窥彼此的湛蓝 不言疲惫 5. Peeping at
Each Other’s Blue By Ma Jiaze Every grass
is a kind of green that lives with its shadow love,
blooming in a crowd of loneliness the suffering
of the past is the mark that grass has been trodden, waiting for love to turn into
flowers of thorns. Absolute love
is an absolute prisoner two feet, how
many times must they be broken to dance solo
on the road of life? Two lonely
stars start to dance ballet hand in hand, winding,
colliding, and following suit, to dance
steps of love until the
palm of the hand gets warmth from the partner Death can
also be tied together. Love and love
share one sea. You see the
color of the sky and decorate your frame with an oil painting, the clouds
melted into milk in the blue arms of the sea I see the
stars in the sea, twists and turns with the waves flying from
one spray to another, for, maybe,
no aim, but to row on the boat, enjoy the
stars, shine in the ups and downs of the waves Actually,
just like you so free, so
lonely peeping at
each other’s blue. and never say
tired Translated by
Shi Panrong / 史潘荣译 |