《诗殿堂》第3期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 3 |
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(汉英双语诵读: 漫 黎(曼莉) / Chinese
and English Recitation: Manli) 3. 我在春天埋葬过一段爱情 文/邵秀萍 那个春季 我让自己潜伏在一朵花的香气里 向前,向前,渗入玫瑰栀子 你便一眼爱上我 那个冬季 你把自己隐藏在一滴泪的透明里 倒退,倒退,退回江河湖海 我便不能找到你 光阴如剑,割断季节的喉 蝴蝶在南方大雪纷飞 大雁在北方泪流满面 你在冬的教唆下墨守成规 你不懂吗? 你的逃避伤害的不止是我 还有我的整个春天 在这个燕子归来的季节 我把花的香气埋进你的泪滴 如果有一天 你路过我的坟墓 请不要哭泣 你会看到丁香花间飞舞的蝴蝶 最美的那只便是我 3. I Once
Buried a Love Affair in the Spring By Shao
Xiuping That spring I hid myself
in a flower’s scent And forward,
forward, seeped into roses and cape jasmines So you
suddenly fell in love with me That winter You hid
yourself in the transparency of a teardrop And backward,
backward, retreated into the rivers, lakes and sea So I could
not find you Time flew,
severing seasons’ throats Leaving
butterflies in the flaking snow down south And wild
geese tear-drenched up north While you,
abetted by the winter, are fettered and unfree Don’t you
understand? Your evasion
hurt not only me But also my
entire spring In this
season when swallows return I bury the
flower’s scent in your teardrop If one day You walk pass
my grave Please do not
cry For you will
see butterflies dancing among the lilacs The most
beautiful one is me Translated by
Jerry Li Xie / 谢利译 |