《诗殿堂》第3期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 3 |
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(汉英双语诵读: 天寅/ Chinese and
English Recitation: Tian Yin) 2. 孤单 文/山杉 孤单像岛 被冷漠的海水包围着 日子如浪一波波拍过 潮涌潮落如街头穿梭的过客 没留下一枚回眸的贝壳 渴望如码头 延伸在无人垂钓的晨雾 时间的潮汐将整条岸 拍打成无语的沙滩 期待回眸的凝望 从眼中流出在海底积成珊瑚 距离是青烟 在你我之间 穿越不过的往事 让日日月月变成了永世 你的容颜 是我记忆的岛旁 一艘打捞不起的沉船 2. Solitude By Shan Shan Solitude is
like an island Surrounded by
an ocean of indifference Days passed
like successive waves Ebb and flow
like pedestrians moving on streets Leaving not
even a shell of a glance back Desire is
like a pier Stretching in
the dawn mist with no body for angling The tide of
time has beaten the whole coast Into silent
beach The stare
longing for a glance back Has outflowed
from eyes and piled into coral under the sea Distance is
smoke Between you
and I The past that
cannot be crossed over Makes each
day and night a world forever Your looks Is a wrecked
ship besides my memory Translated by
Jiang Yuan / 姜原译 |