《诗殿堂》第2期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 2 |
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(汉英双语诵读: 曼莉 / Chinese
and English Recitation: Manli) 水天古镇 文/徐英才 译/徐英才 极目处 没有交汇线 满眼里 全是水天 是凌霄高处不胜寒 落入人间寻暖 还是河水低洼生寂寞 涌上九天游览 千 年 古 镇 一色水光里 阅 尽 老 禅 阴 阳 合 一 无限空然 Ancient-old
Town in the Blend of Water and Sky Written by Xu
Yingcai, Translated by Xu Yingcai At the
farthest end No horizon is
visible What fills up
one’s eyes Is the blend
of water and sky Is it because
heaven perches too high to be warm That it comes
down for warmth Or the water
lies too low to be unlonely That it wells
up to the sky for a visit The
ancient-old town Soaked in one
hue of light Has
thoroughly witnessed Dao and Zen The harmony
of Yin and Yang And the nothingness of all |