《诗殿堂》第2期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 2 |
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(汉英双语诵读: Frances / Chinese
and English Recitation: Frances) 空镜子 文/颜海峰 译/颜海峰 空镜子 该 照向哪个方向 才能叫做空 如果有所谓真空的话 生活 复杂得 像一面空镜子 什么都逃不掉 什么都纳不入 爱不到的那须臾 看镜子里的你 可注意到 身后的那片蓝天? 另一个清醒的我 是否还能酩酊? 饮郑燮的醍醐 啜解渴的酸雨 在心照不宣的社交中 依然能见性成佛? 你 在真实的梦呓中 雄辩 台下是喝倒彩的听众 异次元空间 是一面空镜子 照见你孤单的身影 Void Mirror Written by Brent
O. Yan, Translated by Brent O. Yan In which
direction should a void mirror
be set to make it
void if there is
real void Life
complicates itself like a vacant
mirror letting out
nothing letting in
nothing The second
when you feel no love look at
yourself in the mirror Do you find the blue sky
behind? Can the other
sober me be
intoxicated again? Drinking a
muddled refresher Quenching my
thirst with acid rain Can I still
be enlightened to be a budda in this
sophisticated society? You talk forcibly in the real
sleeptalking below the
stage is the booing audience The
paralleled space is a vacant
mirror reflecting your solitary figure |