《诗殿堂》第2期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 2 |
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(汉语诵读: 艾雪, 英语诵读: 安瑞琦 / Chinese Recitation:
Ai Xue, English Recitation: An Ruiqi) 窗口的灯火 文/高岸 译/周期蝉 这么多窗口的灯火 闪闪烁烁 仿佛海面上漂浮的船只 来来往往 有些满载货物 吃水很深 它们的速度慢下来 停在我面前 窗口多么安静 我多么想听见里面发出一点声音 从远道而来的海客那里接收一点远方的信息 然而 里面一片死寂 也许他们太疲倦 正靠在墙上打瞌睡 也许他们正迷惑 不知道自己到了哪里 我只有在凝望中 像收起一张渔网 收起我的好奇心 命运注定我与他们不期而遇 又擦肩而过 越来越多的灯火向我迎面走来 转瞬间消失在身后的茫茫夜海 Light in
Front of the Window Written by Gao
An, Translated by Zhou Qichan Many lights
in front of the window, flaring and flickering Like floating boats on the sea, come and go Some boats
are fully loaded, deep into water They were
forced to slow down Halt in front
of me So quiet in
front of the window I yearn for
even a tiny sound from the inside Receive some
news about a place far away from the passengers who travel a long distance However, as
silent as the dead inside Maybe they
are too tired Leaning and
dosing against the wall Maybe they
are confused Don’t know
where they are I am frozen
in a gaze Like folding
a fishnet I fold away
my curiosity I’m destined
to meet them unexpectedly, then part ways More and more
lights are walking towards me Vanish
immediately into the vast night sea behind me |