《诗殿堂》第2期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 2 |
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(汉语诵读: 逗逗 , 英语诵读:师师如意/Chinese Recitation:
Doudou, English Recitation: Shishi Ruyi) 一盏月 文/紫水仙子 译/王大建 其实 这盏月 我一望就是一生 从稚气未脱的幼年 到银发入鬓的中年 一直默默守望 有期待的团聚 也有无奈的太息 有年少时的懵懵幻想 也有如水的虚度 望一轮 有天涯海角的茫茫 也有青春红尘的斑斓 于岁月 于红尘深处 蜿蜒绵亘 直到 你终从月光后行来 漫天如水的星光 织就了一世的沧桑 挂在我心田 A Moon Written by Zi
Shui Xian Zi, Translated by Wang
Dajian Actually on this moon I've kept my
eyes all my life From the
tender through the middle ages when silver
hairs jut at the temples I’ve been
watching in silence yearning for
reunion and sighing
in helpless heaves or having teenaged
naïve fantasies or simply
lazing by like a tumbling stream My vision of
the moon over the
gloom of the lands and seas with the
worldly motley of youth cleaves the
years into the mortal yonder in sustained
meanders Until you came
along from behind the moon light light of the
stars flooding the sky has knitted
the crisscrosses of life and let it hang over my inner most part |