《诗殿堂》第2期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 2 |
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(汉语诵读: 清风, 英语诵读: Samson Wu /
Chinese Recitation: Qingfeng, English Recitation: Samson Wu) 青丝. 银丝 文/紫君 译/于岚 当青丝润泽 你把无数相思 织入远去的层云 离别 随青丝飘逸 飘过无数海浪 也飘过孤寂 当银丝日渐荒芜 你却握住梦境 尽数 几许白帆没入烟波 几只白鹭印在天际 纵然还有远方 诗 能否 擦干泪迹 青葱的挺拔 不过是低进尘埃的 古迹 谁能抵押昨日星辰 做明媚的筹码 还是 痛饮光阴 干杯 让一切重归于 序 Black Hair,
Grey Hair Written by Zi
Jun, Translated by Yu Lan When your
black hair was well nourished You waved
endless lovesickness Into the
clouds floating away Separation Was as wavy
as your black hair Floating over
endless ocean waves Floating over
soundless solitude When your
silver hair turns weedy You hold on
to a dream And count The white
sails fading into steamy wavelets And several
egrets as if printed in the sky There is a
far away place indeed But can poem Wipes tears
dry? The green
onion’s erectness Is nothing but a
historic site Who is able
to hold yesterday’s planets in pledge As bargaining
chips Wouldn’t it
be better just to drink up Time And let
everything return To the beginning |