《诗殿堂》第2期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 2 |
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(汉英双语诵读: 曼莉 / Chinese
and English Recitation: Manli) 深山里的星空 文/白水河 译/柴国兴 深山的夜 陆上没有光,光都在天上 – 细碎如钻石,层层叠叠,浩浩荡荡 谁配得这样的夜空啊 我讶异,并羞愧自己的小 今夜,立于一颗缓缓旋转的星球上 我看见数不清的星 今夜,我想起无数个被忽略的夜 是什么把我们与星空隔开 是谁布下那暗而不黑的混沌 让我不再仰头,将星星遗忘 但星空就在那儿 并不试图唤醒谁责问谁 当我挣脱尘世的光,才与其相见 而在尘世,我挣脱琐碎的日常 才记起问自己 - 我是谁,我的来路与去向 A Starry Sky
over Deep Mountains Written by Bai
Shuihe, Translated by Chai Guoxing Mountain
night Sees no light
on land, but all the sparks in the sky— Glittering
like diamonds, layers upon layers, vast and massive What a
splendid night sky for a human being I am stunned,
and humbled for how small I am Tonight, as I
stand on a slowly rotating planet Watching the
countless stars I reflect
that for so many neglected nights What has
alienated us from the starry sky Who has
spread the dim yet not dark nebula So we are
unwilling to look up and see the stars But that
starry sky remains where it is Not in any
attempt to awake or blame anyone Only when I
shun the mundane light can I then see the sky Only when I
quit the daily routines can I then remember to ask myself ------ Who am
I, where am I from, and where am I heading to |