《诗殿堂》第1期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 1 |
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5. 静物 (作: 施玮, 译: 徐英才, 制作: 石头, 汉英诵读: 颜海峰) Still Life (Poem: Shi Wei, Tr: Xu
Yingcai, Compiling: Shi Tou, Recitation: Yan Haifeng ) 静物 施玮 一盆静物在我的桌上 书桌却仿佛是一片遥远的海 一盆不肯安静的植物 肥美的叶子,总是在等待风 在另一个时空,我们曾经相遇 你们是群美丽透明的翅膀 我只是一朵花,怀着生命的种子 却迈不动脚步,无奈又悲哀 时空交错,你们被栽在盆中 根须疯狂地纠结在暗处 而我正在天上地下……游荡 隔着宽阔的水面与你们偶尔互望 Still Life Shi Wei Still lives
in a basin on my desk And my desk
looks like a sea in the distance A noisy plant
in a pot With plump
leaves, is always waiting for wind In a
different time and space, we once met You were a
horde of beautiful transparent wings I was only a
flower, a seed of life That could
hardly move its legs, but cry Now in this
time and space, you are planted in the pot Roots
frenziedly tangled in the dark While I
tour…up in the sky and down on the earth We only occasionally
watch each other from on the opposite bank (Translated by Xu Yingcai / 徐英才译) |