《诗殿堂》第1期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 1 |
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1. 醉汉, 桥 (作: 非马, 译: 非马, 制作:菩提一叶红, 汉英诵读:逗逗, 李莉) The
Homesick Drunk, Bridge (Poem: William Marr, Tr: William Marr,
Compiling:Putiyiyehong, Recitation:Dou Dou, Lily Li) A. 醉汉 把短短的直巷 走成一条 曲折 回荡的 万里愁肠 左一脚 十年 右一脚 十年 母亲啊 我正努力 向您 走 来 A. The
Homesick Drunk A short alley has become a
tortuous writhing intestine of ten
thousand miles One step left ten years one step
right ten years O Mother I am
struggling toward you B. 桥 隔著岸 紧密相握 我们根本不知道 也不在乎 是谁 先伸出了 手 B. Bridge Clasped
together intimate and
tight We really
don’t know nor care who was the
first to extend a hand (Translated
by William Marr / 非马译) |