《诗殿堂》第2期诗歌朗诵 / Recitations of poems selected from POETRY HALL Issue 2 |
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(汉英双语诵读: 李莉 / Chinese
and English Recitation: Lily Li) 终于合上那本书 文/静语 译/华卫 终于 合上那本书 静得毫无声息 你知道的 江河澎湃 曾经溢出心底 终于 合上那本书 月夜里的思念 仿佛从未开启 岁月打磨的船儿 终究各奔东西 我一遍遍温柔地写着我的故事 你一次次缠绵后坚持着你的领地 两个世界的人即便经历冰与火 难免不走向分离 我在你的高岗上歌唱过 我在你的柳丝间呢喃过 然后在没有辜负自己的生命里 终于合上那本书 I've Finally
Closed that Book Written by Jing
Yu, Translated by Hua Wei I've finally
closed that book So quietly
that not the slightest sound can be heard You know, the
waves Have once
surged over our hearts I've finally
closed that book The
moonlit-night longings seem never have happened And the time-and-tide-polished
boats Finally run
in different ways Over and over
again I tenderly write my stories But after our
repeated tender stories, you still hold on to your own territory Although gone
through ice and fire, people from different worlds Will still
head in different ways I have sung
on your high hill I have
whispered between your willow twigs While my life
is thus satiated, I've finally
closed that book |